Mini Update on Index Page Design
By Kaelos
hiya! so basically its been a trip tryna figure out how exactly i want my index page to go but i pretty much set up several sketches of the layout. its gonna look a bit simple i guess but i want it to not be overly cluttered with stuff and to be responsive on mobile as well. this is something that ive seen on other websites that have nice layouts and stuff that are really visually nice on desktop and just dont work on mobile which kinda sucks. i cant blame that though considering that its finicky to get working and html/css is already finicky business in the first place...
ive also been planning to make headers for each page, theyre going to be simple for now but i want it to look like something outta old-school neopets:

this will be done after though. first i just want to finish the index page so i can deal with everything else. i havent started designing the new directory and portals pages yet, this is something thats gonna take a while. im trying to use as little javascript as possible which is a bit of a challenge for stuff like links page which you have to take into account the growing nature of that, trying to be able to categorise them as efficiently as possible
in any case im just happy that soon my tests will be over so i can get back to working on this website more frequently :::3 next week is my last test so wish me luck. not that i need it B)
so after i finish the test and pass i will be working on implementing the new index page, so look forward to it! we can finally get back down into business
in other news, i might think about making an art page? i dont want my images to take too much space on neocities though, even though i have plenty of space, though i dont have the money to get my own space and also i dont really wanna host my art on imgur... ill have to see for now ill just host images on here until i find something else
thats pretty much everything, this blog isnt going to be only for website news stuff but since were still constructing the new layout well be talking about the website a lot in the blog until everythings all organised. which will be never...